Using AI to Generate Tasks in Projects

2 min. readlast update: 06.17.2024

Leveraging AI to generate tasks in Trovve can significantly streamline your project setup and management. Follow this guide to utilize the AI-powered task generation feature effectively.

Accessing Your Project and Initiating Task Generation

  1. Navigate to Your Project:

    • Click on 'Projects' from the main menu.
    • Select the project in which you want to generate tasks.
  2. Open the Task Generator:

    • In the project header, locate and click on the '+ New Item' button.
    • Select 'Generate Tasks' from the options provided to start the AI task generation process.

Configuring Task Generation

  1. Specify Task Details (Optional):

    • In the pop-up, you have the option to guide the AI by specifying the type of tasks you want it to create, such as 'Plan website rebrand'. This step is optional but can help tailor the AI’s output to your specific needs.
  2. Use Project Description to Guide AI:

    • Optionally, check the 'Use project description to guide AI' box if you want the AI to utilize your existing project description to generate relevant tasks.
  3. Organize Tasks into Sections:

    • If you prefer the generated tasks to be organized by sections, check the 'Organize generated tasks in sections' box.

Generating and Adding Tasks

  1. Generate Tasks:

    • Click 'Generate' to allow AI to start generating task suggestions. These suggestions will appear in a slider to the left of your project.
  2. Select and Add Tasks to Project:

    • You can select all tasks, some tasks, or just the sections, and then click 'Add to Project' to incorporate them into your project.
  3. Refine Task Suggestions:

    • If you are not satisfied with the initial AI-generated tasks, click 'Generate More Tasks' to receive more options.

Utilizing AI to generate tasks in Trovve not only saves time but also enhances the efficiency of project planning and management, ensuring that you can focus on executing tasks rather than spending extensive time planning them. This feature is particularly useful for kickstarting new projects or when you need to expand projects with additional tasks quickly.

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