Tracking Team Performance and Activities

3 min. readlast update: 06.05.2024

This guide will walk you through the essential features to monitor team performance and daily activities effectively.

Accessing Team Information

  1. Navigate to the Team Section:
    • Select 'Team' from the main menu to view a list of all active team members, categorized by their current status—either 'in' or 'out'.

Understanding the User Card

  1. Collapsed State View:
    • Each user card in its collapsed state displays vital information:
      • Check-in or check-out time.
      • Full name of the team member.
      • Task progress via a progress bar.
      • Number of tasks currently being worked on.
      • Number of overdue tasks.
      • Number of pending tasks.
      • Number of meetings scheduled for today.

Getting Employee Details

  1. Access Detailed View:
    • Click on a team member's initials or avatar to open detailed information about them.
    • Initiate communication directly via 'Message in Teams' or 'Email in Outlook'.

Monitoring Activities

  1. Expand User Card for More Details:

    • Click on the arrow on the user’s card to reveal detailed tabs:
      • My Day Tab: Displays all tasks and meetings for the day. Details can be accessed by clicking on individual entries. This tab is accessible to the entire team.
      • Reports Tab: Available only to admins and managers, this tab provides a 14-day productivity chart based on tasks completed and work reports submitted, organized by day.
      • Work Queue Tab: Shows all tasks assigned to the user, grouped by start date. Managers can add tasks directly to the user's day if they are of high priority (use this feature sparingly).
      • Meetings Tab: Lists all user's calendar entries, including regular meetings, planned vacations, and holidays.
  2. Add Tasks Quickly:

    • Utilize the 'Add Task' button to assign tasks to the team member without leaving the current screen.

Privacy Considerations

  • Private tasks are not visible to other users and are marked as 'Private'. Tasks within projects that are designated as private are visible only to those involved in the project.

Switching Time View

  • Toggle between the default company timezone and your local timezone to align the viewing of tasks and meetings with your geographical location.

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