Setting up & managing a team resources wiki with your OneDrive/SharePoint file.

2 min. readlast update: 06.03.2024

The Team Resources Wiki in Trovve is a centralized hub where you can organize all your files and links into categories, making it easy for your team to find the resources they need. Here’s how to set it up and manage it:

Step 1: Appoint a Content Manager

  1. Access the Files Section: Click on 'Files' in the main menu.
  2. Open Settings: In the slider that opens, click on the three dots next to the 'New Category' button at the top right, then select 'Settings'.
  3. Add a Content Manager: Click on the '+ Content Manager' button and select the person you want to add as a content manager. Note that only admins and existing content managers can appoint new content managers, and you can only select active users in Trovve.

Step 2: Create Categories

  1. Navigate to Files: Either click on the 'Files' menu or close the settings slider from the previous step.
  2. Add New Category: Click on 'Add New Category'. Enter a name for the category, such as 'SOPs', 'Marketing', etc.
  3. Organize Categories: Once your categories are created, you can rearrange them by hovering over the name of the category and dragging the arrows on the left side of the name to the desired position.
  4. Add Content to Categories: Click on the '+' button beside each category to add content. There are two types of content:
    • Links: Set the name and URL for the link.
    • Files: This will navigate to Microsoft 365 files, allowing you to select files, folders, or libraries from OneDrive or SharePoint. Once selected, these will appear under the category.

Step 3: Manage Resources

  • Reorganize Resources: To change the order of resources within a category, hover over the item and use the arrows on the left side to drag and drop it to the new position.

Users can open files or navigate through folders directly from Trovve, streamlining access to essential resources.

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