Organizing Your Team Using Groups

1 min. readlast update: 06.05.2024

Organizing your team into groups in Trovve can streamline communications and project assignments. Follow these steps to create groups effectively.

Accessing Group Settings

  1. Open Settings:
    • Click on your profile picture or initials at the bottom of the main menu.
    • Select 'Settings' from the dropdown menu.

Creating a New Group

  1. Navigate to the Groups Tab:

    • In the settings menu, click on the 'Groups' tab.
  2. Add a New Group:

    • Click on the 'Add Group' button.
    • In the form that appears, enter the name for the new group.
    • Select the team members you wish to include in the group. Note that members can be part of multiple groups.

Tips for Effective Group Management

  • Strategic Grouping: Groups are a great way to organize your team by department, project, or any other relevant categorization. This can enhance workflow and communication efficiency.

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