How to submit daily work reports

2 min. readlast update: 06.17.2024

Submitting daily work reports in Trovve is essential for teams with managers. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up and submit daily work reports.

Assigning Managers

Only users with assigned managers can submit daily work reports. Here’s how to assign managers:

  1. Access Settings: Click on your picture or initials on the main menu to open a dropdown menu, then choose 'Settings'.
  2. Navigate to Users: Go to the 'Users' tab within the settings.
  3. Assign Manager:
    • Click on the user you want to set the manager for.
    • Find the 'Manager' field, select the manager from the dropdown menu (Note: Managers must be Trovve users to appear in the dropdown).
    • Press 'Save' to confirm the assignment. (Note: Only admins can perform this action).

Requiring Daily Work Reports

If you want to make it mandatory for all users to submit a work report during checkout, follow these steps:

  1. General Settings: Navigate to the 'General' tab in settings.
  2. Enable Mandatory Reports: Check the box next to 'Require work summary during checkout'.

Submitting Daily Work Report

To submit a daily work report:

  1. Click the Wrap Button: On your main dashboard, click on the 'Wrap' button when you're ready to end your day.
  2. Submit Report: Users can submit their daily reports, which includes a summary of hours worked and tasks completed.

Notifications & alerts 

  •  All users will receive a notification to remind them to wrap up their day a few minutes before their work schedule ends. These reminders are sent via Microsoft Teams through the TrovveBot.

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