How to organize tasks and sections in a project

2 min. readlast update: 06.11.2024

Efficiently organizing your tasks and sections within Trovve enhances your project management and overall productivity. Here’s a straightforward guide on how to manage tasks and sections:

Accessing Your Project and Adding Items

  1. Navigate to Your Project:

    • Click on 'Projects' from the main menu.
    • Select the project you wish to access.
  2. Add New Items:

    • In the project header, locate and click on the '+ New Item' button. You will have options to add new tasks or new sections to your project.

Adding Tasks and Sections

  1. Creating Tasks:

    • Select 'New Tasks' from the menu to create individual tasks within your project.
  2. Creating Sections:

    • Choose 'New Section' to establish distinct sections within your project, which helps in organizing related tasks together.

Managing Tasks and Sections

  1. Move Sections:

    • To rearrange a section, hover over the section name and use the drag arrows on the left to move it to your desired position.
  2. Edit or Delete Sections:

    • Hover over the section and click on the three dots on the right. Select 'Edit' to modify details or 'Delete' to remove the section.
  3. Quickly Add Tasks to Sections:

    • Click the plus sign beside the section name to quickly add a new task directly to that section.
  4. Move Tasks Between Sections:

    • To reposition a task, hover over the task name and use the drag arrows on the left to move it to another section.

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