How to Customize and use the 'My Day' effectively

3 min. readlast update: 07.05.2024

The 'My Day' feature in Trovve serves as your personal dashboard for managing daily tasks, meetings, and activities. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to customize and make the most of this feature to enhance your daily productivity.


Customizing Sections

  • To add a new section, click the arrow beside the 'Add Task' button on the 'My Day' toolbar and select 'Create Section'.
  • Enter a name for your section or use 'Get Ideas' for suggestions.
  • Default sections like "Today’s Focus" cannot be renamed or moved, and tasks added by default will appear here.
  • To rearrange custom sections, drag them using the handle on the left of the section name. To edit or delete a section, click the three dots on the right side of the section name and choose 'Edit' or 'Delete'.

Adding and Managing Tasks

  1. Add Tasks:

    • Click on the 'Add Task' button. Fill in details such as task name, start and end dates, and the section you want the task to appear in.
    • You can also link the task to a specific project, project section, or associate it with a contact.
  2. Rearrange Tasks:

    • To move a task within a section or to a different section, hover over the task name and drag it using the arrows on the left.
    • Use the 'Sort By' button to automatically organize tasks by start date, end date, task name alphabetically, or by priority.

Utilizing the Event Widget

  1. Manage Your Meetings:
    • The event widget, located at the top right of the 'My Day' screen, adjusts when other sliders like tasks or projects are opened.
    • It displays your next upcoming meeting and a counter for other meetings. Click on the meeting name for options like view or edit. For more meetings, click on the '+x' to expand the list.

Managing Completed and Reassigned Tasks

  1. Track Completed and Reassigned Tasks:
    • Tasks that are completed will move to the 'Completed' section at the bottom of your list.
    • Reassigned tasks will appear above the 'Completed' section. You can re-add these tasks to your day if needed by clicking the three dots and selecting 'Add to My Day'.
    • Both sections are cleared at the end of each day.

Reviewing Work History

  1. Work History:
    • Click on 'Work History' in the 'My Day' toolbar to view tasks from the past 30 days, showing days you worked on tasks, whether completed or not.

Advanced Task Management

  1. View, Postpone, or Modify Tasks:
    • Click on a task tile to view details. To postpone a task, click the three dots on the task and select 'Do Later'.
    • Other options include copying the task, marking it as important, or deleting it.

Working with Multiple Items

  1. Open Items Side by Side:
    • Open tasks, contacts, or projects by clicking on the respective items in the main menu. This allows you to view multiple items simultaneously, facilitating better multitasking.


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