How to Create a New Project

3 min. readlast update: 06.18.2024

Setting up a new project in Trovve is straightforward with our guided three-step wizard. Here's how you can start:

Step 1: Initiate Project Creation

  1. Find the 'Create New Project' Button: You can start creating a new project in two ways:
    • Click on the '+ Add' on the main menu and then select 'Project'.
    • Alternatively, click on 'Projects' from the main menu and then click on the 'Add New Project' button located at the top right.
  2. Project Name: Enter a unique name for your project. This is required.
  3. Set Dates: Specify the project start date and, if needed, an optional due date.
  4. Adjust Privacy Settings: Toggle the privacy setting:
    • Privacy Off: Your project will be visible to everyone in the organization.
    • Privacy On: Only project managers and assigned team members can see the project.
  5. Describe Your Project: Optionally, add a description of up to 500 characters. Consider using the 'Get Ideas' pop-up to help craft a description that facilitates effective AI-assisted task generation.
  6. Proceed or Cancel: Click "Next" to add team members, or "Cancel" if you need to stop here.

Step 2: Add Project Managers and Team Members

  1. Choose Team Members: Search and select your project managers and team members from the organization directory.
  2. Manage Your Team: Add multiple users to either the project managers or team members sections. You can remove someone by clicking the "X" next to their name.
  3. Navigation Choices: Press "Next" to go to the next step, "Back" to review the first step, or "Cancel" to exit the setup.

Step 3: Add Files, Folders, or Web Links

  1. Incorporate Resources:
    • From OneDrive or SharePoint: Browse and select the necessary files or folders.
    • Upload from Your Computer: Choose files or folders to upload directly from your device.
    • Insert Web Links: Type in a valid URL and a title for the link.
  2. Establish a Project Folder: Set any added folder or library as the project folder. This sets it as the default location for any new uploads.
  3. Final Steps: Click "Finish" to complete setting up your project, "Back" to modify the previous steps.

Additional Tips

  • Regularly update project details to reflect any changes or new directions.
  • Utilize the 'Get Ideas' feature effectively to generate engaging and relevant project descriptions

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