Exporting project information to Excel

1 min. readlast update: 06.17.2024

Exporting project information to Excel is a straightforward process in Trovve. This feature allows you to download and analyze your project data offline. Here's how to perform this action:

  1. Access the Projects Section:

    • Click on 'Projects' from the main menu to view your list of projects.
  2. Select Your Project:

    • Find and select the project for which you need to export data.
  3. Initiate Export:

    • In the project header, locate and click on the three dots next to the search button.
    • From the dropdown menu, select 'Export to Excel'.
  4. Download the File:

    • An Excel file will be generated based on the current data in your project.
    • This file will be downloaded automatically to your computer.

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